


I've glasses, Can I be IPS, IRTS,RPF OR Group 'B' Police-service not? 1
I've only one eye, Am I physically handicap or not? 2
Am I blind-candidate or not with 6/60? or 3
What are the criteria for blindness? 3
Table to calculate Percentage % Blindness 3
To claim blindness / physically handicap benifits, What kind of certificate do I need? 4
Do i need to attach my disability certificate with prelims form? 4
Color Vision standards in UPSC? 4
Night-blindness standards for UPSC? 4
What is partially blind and Low vision ? 4
Squint (Abnormal alignment of one or both eyes) ? 4
Pathological Myopia means unfit? 5
What is all this 6/6 and 6/12 etc? 5
Can I give CDS (combined Defence service) Exam or not? 5
My own question -Someone gone through the tests please reply 5

Many people have question about eye-sight requirements. The most common being,
I've  glasses / spectacles, can I be IPS or not?
and UPSC's online notifications are very confusing. So after going through the 'The Gazette of India : Extraordinary, Part-1, Published on Dec,12, 2008' I'm writing this article.
(they'll send this big Gazette book  to you, if you clear the prelims)
There are two types of services offered by UPSC's Civil service Exam
Technical Services
Non-Technical Services
1.    IPS
2.    IRTS
3.    RPF (Railways protection force)
4.    Other police services Group A and B
1.    IAS,
2.    IFS (foreign service) and
3.    other central  civil services (Group A and B)
Here, you need good eye , the correction is allowed only by glasses / spectacles.
here, you don't need good eyes. and correction is allowed by spectacles +Lasik surgery, Radial Keratotomy etc

Long thing cut short, Limit of glasses/spectacles number for IPS etc jobs is
  • -4.00 D (including cylinder) -non-pathological myopia*
  • +4.00D (including cylinder)(Hyper-metropia) 
  • Must have high grade color vision. (Explained in the bottom FAQ section of this article)
  • correction in eye problem is permitted only by Glasses and NO other means (like Lasik laser surgery or Radial Keratotomy)
*Must not have pathological myopia (explained in Bottom FAQ)

Now the table copy pasted from page 248
Technical Services (IPS, RPFetc)
Non-Technical (IAS, IFS etc)
Better Eye (corrected vision)
Worse Eye
Better Eye (corrected vision)
Worse Eye
Distant vision
6/6 or 6/9
6/12 or 6/9
6/6 or 6/9
6/18 or Nil Or 6/12 (means can be blind)
Near vision
(J1, J2 note given @ bottom of this table)
J3 to Nil***
Types of correction permitted
Spectacles/ glasses
10L(to be referred to special board of ophthalmologists)
Radial Keratotomy
Lasik Surgery
Limits of refractive errors permitted
  • -4.00 D (including cylinder) -non-pathological myopia*
  • +4.00D (including cylinder)(Hypermetropia) 
None , but without Pathological Myopia
(explained in bottom FAQ)
Color vision requirements
High grade (explained in bottom FAQ)
Low grade
Binocular vision requirement
(Refer to squint in bottom FAQ)

^J1/J2 = near vision for railway services (IRTS,IRAS,IRPS,RPF) is J1 in better eye and J2 in worse eye.

For example, one friend asked,
I have gone through a number of sources about this but a clear picture evades me. I am a one-eyed person (very limited vision in my right eye but 6/6 in the left).Is this a valid handicap/impairment?

For the purpose of UPSC rules, the candidates shall be deemed to be a blind if the % of visual impairment is 40% of more.
the criteria for determining the % of visual impairrment shall be as follow:-
[they've given a big table on page 138, I'm writing only your case.]
Category name
Better eye
Worse Eye
One Eyed Person
F.C at 1 ft to NIL

To see entire table, refer to Blindness criteria given in next question.

means you're below 40% = you're not a Blind/ Physically handicapped for UPSC rules.
now on page 249, Note (iii)
If a person has one eye, The Medical Board may recommend fit, such persons provided the normal eye has---

1. 6/6 Distant vision with or with out Glasses.  and J/I near vision . (Glass number must not be more than 4.00 D for distant vision)
2. Has full field of vision
3. Normal color vision

The above relaxed standard of visual acuity will not apply to technical post/services. (which are IPS, other police services, Group A & B, IRTS/RPF)
so you're unfit for above jobs.
But for IAS,IFS and other Services: The eye requirement (WITH glasses correction or Radial keratotomy or Lasik Laser surgery)
  • Better Eye 6/6 or 6/9
  • Worse Eye 6/12 or 6/18 to NIL (= worse eye can be even blind)
thus you're physically fit to be in IAS/IFS or any other services.

the candidates shall be deemed to be a blind if the % of visual impairment is 40% or more.
the criteria for determining the % of visual impairrment shall be as follow:-
[they've a big table, I'm writing only your case.]
  • Category I-With all correction surgeries, Radial keratotomy, Lasik surgery etc
  • Better Eye=6/18 to 6/36
  • Worse Eye=6/60 to NIL
  • In above case, the % of visual impairment will be taken as 40%
so you'll be considered as Blind candidate in UPSC.

For more information, here is the Table to (page.138/Note-2)
All with corrections
Category name
Better eye
Worse Eye
6/9 to 6/18
6/24 to 6/36
6/18 to 6/36
6/60 to Nil
6/60-4/60 or
field of vision 10-20 degree
3/60 to Nil
3/60-1/60 or
field of vision 10 degree
F.C at 1 ft. to NIL
F.C at 1 ft. to NIL
field of vision 100 degree
F.C at 1 ft. to NIL
field of vision 100 degree
One Eyed Person
F.C at 1 ft to NIL

** Those suffering from Myopia will not get the concessions admissible to blind candidates.
To claim blindness / physically handicap benifits, What kind of certificate do I need?
A candidate claiming to belong to physically challanged cateogry.... must submit a certified copy of the certificate issued by Medical Board duly Constituted by Central /State Govt. in the format given below. (the format is given in the application form, which you'll get after clearing prelims)
The Chairman and members of the medical board are supposed to tick in to it, and sign @ the bottom.
Do i need to attach my disability certificate with prelims form?
If you claim physical disability , you don't have to show any documents with your prelim form, but Along with your mains form you've to attach the certificates, and during interview stage, they'll physically check you.
Color Vision standards in UPSC?
Color vision means you can easily identify red/green/yellow colors.
They'll perform following two tests (google search for more info on them)
1. Ishihara's plates
2. Edrige Green's latern
For Technical services (IPS,RPF etc) you need high grade color perception, so refer following table.
Night-blindness standards for UPSC?
Page 249(f)
There are two types of night-blindness,
1. Due to mal-nutrition and  can be corrected by high doze of Vitamin A (Dark Adaption test)
2. Due to organic disease of Ratina (fundus examination by Electro-ratinography)
Both tests are time consuming, and require specialized setup.
so the concerned ministries/dept. need to tell UPSC, whether they want these tests done or not?
For railway services, Night-blindness need not be tested as a routine but only in special cases.
No standard test for testing of night-blindess is prescribed.
(My comment-someone gone through the tests please reply.)
What is partially blind and Low vision ?
UPSC Notifications talk about technical terms like
B 8. the blind
LV 9. Low Vision
PB.Partially blind.
but they've not provided the exact information like who exactly is low vision and who is partially blind (or perheps UPSC has explained it somewhere but I've not read the notification carefully.)
Squint (Abnormal alignment of one or both eyes) ?
For technical services (IPS,RPF etc)  where the presence of binocular vision is essential. Squint, Even if the vision acuity  in each eye meets the standards , it should be considered a disqualification.
For other service, the presence of squint, should not be considered as Disqualification if the visual acuity  of the prescribed standards.
For railways technical services, binocular vision is essential.
Ref. page 249,point g.(ii)
Pathological Myopia means unfit?
In every case of Myopia, the fundus examination will be carried out and results recorded.
In event of pathological condition being present, which is likely to be progressive and affect the efficiency of the candidate, he / she should be declared unfit. 248/Point d.(ii)
What is all this 6/6 and 6/12 etc?
in crude term,
6/6 = means you're normal eyed person.
6/12= when a normal eyed person can see upto 12 ft. you can only see uponto 6 ft.
In India we've 6/6 type of scale,  in America they've 20/20 type of scale.
Can I give CDS (combined Defence service) Exam or not?
well, they've requirements like this
1.    Army, the glass limit is about  3.5 D  but they've some limits on eye-conditions without glasses.
2.    In Air-force and in Navy, you must not have any glasses.
for more elaborate details there was one site called
but its not working now.
1.    Night-blindness test was done or not?
2.    How do they find whether you've gone through lasik Laser surgery to remove your glasses?
3.    I will be grateful if you narrate the whole routine procedure you went through, during your physical checkup.


  1. Great content, however the green background makes it quite hard to read. Could you remove that?

  2. If a person has -9D in left eye and there is no vision in right eye. However can read or write easily with glasses on. Is he eligible to appear for the IAS ?

  3. Thank you for providing us useful information!

    I heard that there are some people looking for more information about the best optometrist irmo sc who provides good services.

  4. Hi, this is a very nice article regarding PHYSICAL STANDARDS-Eye sight for UPSC]

    Could someone also tells the same for "Hearing Impaired".
    I have 80% disability in my right ear and 20% disability in my left.
    Am i eligible for Physically handicapped category?


    1. Please help to answer this.

      Could someone also tells the same for "Hearing Impaired".
      I have 80% disability in my right ear and 20% disability in my left.
      Am i eligible for Physically handicapped category?

    2. Yes, According to Malay Mukhopadhyaya, deputy secretary,UPSC... For IAS post & other post like IFS etc, Only Partial Deaf is eligible whose disability % atleast 40 % and limit is 90 %... Above 90 % disability means Full Deaf ..he/she is NOT ELIGIBLE in any post in the civil services exam.

    3. Hi, In Indian Government Gazzette, it is mention that those who has 60% disability in better ear will be considered as Physically handicapped.
      My left ear is only 20% disability , whereas my right ear is 80% , do i still fall in Physically handicapped category.

    4. Even my one ear is completely dead but other one working absolutely in that case am i eligible for reservation under PD?

    5. 60 decibels loss in better ear..if both ears have 60 db loss thn only u r eligible..if 1 ear is f9 and one deaf then u r NOT eligible

    6. 60 decibels loss in better ear..if both ears have 60 db loss thn only u r eligible..if 1 ear is f9 and one deaf then u r NOT eligible

    7. 40%of hearing disability in better ear is enough to claim reservation benefits in upsc
      To get 40%disability in your better ear you need to loss at least 52 db in your better ear

    8. There is some formula to calculate loss of hearing in percentage terms for evaluation of hearing disability
      Formula is
      Loss of hearing in decibels in better ear -25*1.5
      here X is loss of hearing in decibel terms
      UK have 52 db loss in better ear
      SO with 52 db loss in your better ur considered eligIsle under partially hearinh impaired

      Fully deafter meant
      A person with 75% or more hearing impairment in better ear

  5. Sir i have undergone combined Glucoma and cataract surgery and wearing spectacles. In which category do I come according to UPSC norms?

  6. sir i use glass of power -2.00 am i applicable for ips
    i will be highly obliged if u kindly help me get the right answer...

  7. 30% Diable person come in Low vision Criteria or Not ???

  8. Is a cleft lip and cleft palette candidate considered fit for IAS or IFS?

  9. Helpful Information , Thanx for providing the same

  10. sir my right eye vision is 6/6 and left eye vision is 6/60 can i egligble for scra . i am a st canditate

  11. I have right eye vision of 6/12 & left vision of 6/9. I am an OBC candidate. Am I elegible as being physically handicapped ?

    1. Ajax did u get your ans?

    2. Ajax did u get your ans?

    3. Hi please reply if any of you have answer this. I just want to know if I am eligible for Non technical services with (6/9,6/12)? I have cleared mains but really stressed because I won't be eligible for any of the service

  12. sir i have keratoconus ,am i eligible for ias?

    1. did you get answer to this question?

    2. Hi friend! Did you get answer to the question of keratoconus? Kindly tell me, if u got? Thank You

  13. sir my height is 5feet 5inch am i eligible for IAS?

  14. is hydrocele test necessary for a female to qualify IAS?

  15. My left eye vision Is 6/6 but right eye vision is 6/20 ....Am I eligible for IPS

  16. Sir I have eye power of -7 for both eyes. Am I elegible to take ies ips ias exams. Sir please reply me.

  17. One eyed. Clarity please !

  18. Thank you.
    Amazing Blog post I have ever read..
    Thank you once again.

  19. What if the person is suffering from Kerataconus? Is he comes under the category of physically disabled?

  20. What if a person is suffering from not having smell power .. does he come under the category of physically handicapped?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Details about coaching classes for preparation of CSAT? where can i join ias academy in tamilnadu

  23. Grt but it is shoking fact that after glasses my vision are 6/9 and 6/24 and i come in catagory 0 means only 20%

  24. I have exophorea(outwards squint) in both eyes and it creates of lot of double vision(3 muscles weak in each eye). 0.5 vision in both eyes (due to the squint which may increase in future) . Can my impairment percentage me somewhere near 40%?

  25. good informatiion but criteria given for identifying low vision and blind as visually handicapped candidates are discouraging...Sir my left eye is a lazy eye which has negligible vision while my right eye got hit by ball while playing and the doctor me told that pupil of the right eye has been dilated permanently and it is incurable. So, the images I see are blur at the edges and I also have difficulty under bright light. Moreover, if I continuously study for one-two hours, my vision goes blank in between. people like us do not come under visually challenged candidate as per the rules given above. Sir please advise if there is any way out.

    1. I also have amblyopia pls let me know whether we would get low vision certificate or not?

  26. My left eye is damage and its vision is 6/60is am I eligible for nda and other civil service

  27. Sir I have exophorea(outwards squint) in left eye.and also have no vision in that eye..I have undergone cataract surgery in left..In my right eye vision is 6/12..can I apply for under physical disabled category.

  28. The limit of -4 or +4 for eyesight is only for referring to another medical board which will look into the matter if it is pathological or not. It is not a criteria for unfit. You are eligible even if you have -11. Also in the latest notification(2015 Mains) the limit is -6 or +6.

  29. my vision is 6/9 with glass and my eye power is right eye-7.50 left eye -8.25.Am I eligible for civil service
    name papai sen

  30. UPSC Recruitment 2016 Notification will be released soon. All eligible candidates can apply online for UPSC Recruitment 2016 application to apply for UPSC Vacancies 2016.
    Check UPSC Recruitment 2016 notification.

  31. Hello sir.....please help me...
    Mai 24 sal ka hu aur mai pichhle ek sal se upsc ki taiyar kar rha hu but. Es saal mujhe hydicele ki problem ho Maine ek surgern Dr. Se consult kiya usne operation karne ki advise di so Maine apne hydrocele ka operation ke liye taiyar ho gya but operation ke dauran Dr. Ne btaya ki mere ek testis me spot hai dhbba yaani dag hai us wakt mai behosh tha so Dr. Ne meri parant se btaya aur kaha ki meri ek testis ko hmesha ke liye remove karni pdegi..aur usne mera ek testis operation ke time nikal diya
    In present mujhe koi problem nhi hai aur thik hu aur apni exam pripretion kr rha hu ...but kabhi kabhi mai IAS medical test aur apni eligibility ko lekar bahut udas ho jata hu .so please help me sir kya IAS exam ke lie eligible hu ya mujhe koi medical test me problem hogi ......please help me please.........

  32. sir I have no visoin in my right eye and having a vision of 6/12 in the left eye with a no. of -3.75 D am I eligible to get 40% disability....

  33. hello sir
    I have short sight problem and I am using spectacles to rectify it am I eligible to attend IAS examinations or not?


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  35. my eye sight is -4.6 can i apply under pwd

  36. Sir I am blind in one eye and have glass with power -2. Do I come under pad?

  37. hello i have problem with color vision since i born so i cannnot identify colors .. can i apply for low vision posts in upsc

  38. RAS Application Form 2016 will be started from 10th May 2016, Apply online for RAS Application Form 2016 by last date of submission.

  39. PTET Admit Card 2016 will be released soon on the official website of PTET. Visit to the official website to download PTET Admit Card 2016 to appear in exam.

  40. sir,i have short sight problem ,for that am using glasses,,my right eye pwr is -1.50 nd nd lft -0.75 am a eligable to attend IPS examination or not?

  41. Hello sir my visual disbility 30% and one eye 6/6. Can apply defence examination.

  42. Can a colorblind person appear for Ias, Plz answer someone.

  43. Sir i suffering myopia and night blindness probl24. my vision percentege is6/24.sir i come under in visual disabled

  44. Sir i suffering myopia and night blindness probl24. my vision percentege is6/24.sir i come under in visual disabled

  45. Sir I a have 6/6 vision in my right eye and nil vision in left eye which technical post can I apply iam mechanical engineer, like ies , upsc jwm , Indian ordinance factory ... Is I am eligible or not medically

  46. Sir I a have 6/6 vision in my right eye and nil vision in left eye which technical post can I apply iam mechanical engineer, like ies , upsc jwm , Indian ordinance factory ... Is I am eligible or not medically

  47. I am suffering from fistula. Am I eligible to Non technical and techincal posts?

  48. There is going to releases out UPSC IAS Application Form 2017. Check here & fill IAS Application Form 2017 on or before last date.


  50. I want to be DSC in RPF can I especially ask for the post after qualifying IAS exam

  51. I want to be DSC in RPF can I ask for the post after IAS

  52. RAS Application Form is released by the RPSC, Candidates can apply for RAS Application Form from the official website.

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  56. Is squint eye surgery is fit for active service

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  60. Sir,I have removed my some teeth and my dental point is I am eligible for MPSC and UPSC

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  62. Is cross eyes is handicapd in upsc

  63. I have power of 7.0 in left eye and a power of 3 in right eye . I am suffering from myopia. Am i eligible for UPSC exams

  64. I have power of 7.0 in left eye and a power of 3 in right eye . I am suffering from myopia. Am i eligible for UPSC exams

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  66. IES Application Form notification is released with important dates, eligibility, notification. BTech holders can register online for IES 2018 Online Registration

  67. UP Subordinate Service Selection Commission Notification is available soon, Intrested candidates can apply online for UPSSSC Vacancy, Download Application Form . Candidates must visit the official website before applying online.

  68. Candidates can visit the official for UPSSSC Vacancy Application Form, Large number of posts released undrer this recruitment. So, all the intrested and capable candidates can visit the official web portal for application form. Official advertisement is also avaialble on the main site, so check it out before apply.

  69. UPSSSC Recruitment 2017, Latest UPSSSC Vacancy 2017 Jobs Notification:- Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission.

  70. Rajasthan Public Service Commission is inviting the online application of RPSC Recruitment 2018 for RAS, RPS, LDC Clerk, Candidates can check the eligibility criteria of RPSC Vacancy 2018 Click here.

  71. Uttar Pradesh SSSC Recruitment 2018, candidate can check their UPSSSC Recruitment 2018 Aspirants can also check the other important details.

  72. RPSE vacancy 2018Rajasthan Public Service Commission has delivered a notification to recruit eligible applicants for 502 Assistant Professor Posts.RPSC Recruitment 2018 Application formapplication fee, important dates and how to apply are given below here on this page.

  73. All RPSC Vacancy 2018 Notification will be released soon for all post of Rajasthan Public Service Commission. Apply online RPSC Vacancy 2018 by the last date.

  74. UPSC has announced notification for IES Application form 2018. Btech students can apply online for IES 2018 Exam. Here check details of IES Application form 2018.

  75. UPSC Online form 2018 has started now for IES Exam. those candidates who want to apply, they can check UPSC Online form 2018.

  76. RPF Vacancy 2018 Notification released soon for Driver/ Constable Vacancy 2018. fill RPF Vacancy 2018 Application by official website.

  77. UPSC Recruitment 2018, It is suggested to all of you that preparing for UPSC upcoming jobs 2018 as per prescribed UPSC 2018 exam calendar.UPSC Vacancy 2018is going to be recruit various number of applicants every year.

  78. Indian Railway Department will be released RPF Recruitment 2017 Notification to hire new and talented candidates for Railway Protection Force. There are more than 20000 vacancies will be released in Railway Protection Force, apply online for RPF Recruitment 2017 by last date.

  79. CDS Online Form 2018 is going to be started in November 2018 on the official website of UPSC. All Candidates who want to fill CDS 2018 Online Form, they need to check eligibility criteria of UPSC CDS Exam 2018.

  80. Sir, CDS Exam ka form kab release hoga or hum kitni bar CDS ka exam de skte hai, Check CDS Online Form 2018 Notification from official website.

  81. A good news for those candidates who are looking for CDS Online form 2018 notification. the application form of cds is starting from 17th of November 2017 for feb exam.

  82. All the information of RPSC Recruitment 2018 is available on the official website of RPSC. candidates are invited to check all details from here.

  83. Please help me
    My right eye vision is 6/6 and left eye is 6/24. And also i done Lasik surgery but yet i unable to see all tgis i have 20% Visual Disability.can i able for MPSC / UPSC services?
    Please Please Help me.

  84. UPSC Online form 2018 UPSC all latest notification with online application and exam dates are updated here.

  85. want to learn about the railway protection force 2018 then visit this website.
    RPF Recruitment 2018

  86. Hello MPPSC Exam Calendar 2018 would give the annual report regarding dates of examination, application Submission dates etc.

  87. UPSSSC Exam Calendar 2018 The organisation has declared the scheduled dates for the session 2018. All the candidates will get the UPSSSC Exam Calendar 2018 complete details here.

  88. Candidates are invited to apply online UPSC online form 2018 by visit to the official website i.e.

  89. Check UPSC Online Form 2018 Exam Calendar to know information of UPSC Application Dates.

  90. UPSSSC Exam Calendar 2018 UPSSSC 2018 Exam Dates : Searching for the UPSSSC Exam Calendar 2018? Off the chance UPSSSC JE Admit Card 2018.

  91. All the details of UPSC Exam Calendar 2018 are already mentioned on the official website.

  92. You are invited to check UPSC Eligibility Criteria 2018 to apply online for UPSC Exam 2018

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  95. How to apply online for UPSC IFS Application Form 2018 by the official website of upsconline to get registered.

  96. UPSC IAS Online Registration 2018 started from today, apply online UPSC IAS Exam 2018 to get registered.

  97. How to apply online for UPSC IFS Application Form 2018 by the official website of upsconline to get registered.


  98. UPSC IAS Online Registration 2018 started from today, apply online UPSC IAS Exam 2018 to get registered.


  99. Check UPSC IFS Application Form 2018 official Notification before apply online for UPSC IFS Exam 2018.

  100. UPSC has released the category wise IAS Cut off Marks 2018. The candidates who are looking for the UPSC IAS Cut off Marks 2018 should check here.

  101. Is keratoconus(eye) diagonsed candidate fit for Civil services non-technical as well as technical services ??
    I am having 6/6 in one eye,with 6/18 in the other,with keratoconus in both eyes.

  102. UPSC CMS Application Form 2018 online application form will be accepting from 02nd May 2018 to 25th May 2018 from the official web portal of the UPSC.

  103. A well-written.. Also check IAS Cut off article

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  105. Candidates can check complete detail regarding to RPF Recruitment 2018. by click on. The board will soon start RRPF Recruitment 2018 application form at officially.

  106. Hello Friends, Good news for the candidates the UPSC NDA Application form has been released on 06th June 2018 on the official website

  107. The online registration form for the UPSC Application form 2018 will be able soon on the official website

  108. Hey, I would really appreciate if you could reply asap. I'm in FY graduation and ended up getting a small tattoo in a not so visible place. I'll be giving the UPSC examination in a couple of years and wanted to ask if a tattoos are banned for the IAS /IFS posts. I've tried searching but I got useless information from irrelevant sources, thanks.

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  110. My better eye is 6/6 wit h glasses. My worst eye is 6/12 with glasses and 6/24 without glasses. Can I get into IPS..??

  111. My better eye is 6/6 wit h glasses. My worst eye is 6/12 with glasses and 6/24 without glasses. Can I get into IPS..??

  112. Dear Sir
    I have -10 myopia (including cyclinder) in both eyes
    Aspiring for non technical service only
    Am I eligible??

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  116. Nice post
    I wanted ask mam , i have keratoconus in my both the eyes , i cannot read without lenses but by lrnses i can read , travel n live like normal person , what is my chances of getting placed if i get selected , will i get IAS OR IFS ?

    1. U are eligible for service

    2. U are eligible for service

    3. U are eligible for service

  117. Person with 30% visual impairment need certificate or not??
    Please give reply

  118. Iam
    Iam having squint eye am i eligible for forest service

  119. I have red green colourblindness, will this make me unfit for any services? Please reply

  120. Am I eligible for UPSC IAS .
    I have 6/9 (corrected with spectacles) in one eye and 6/36 ( very low vision) in the other eye after corneal transplantation surgery .This surgery is for the other eye only . Please reply me .

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    then Contact to 011-27012054, 47024919

  123. Sir i have VA 6/9 in my left eye and 6/5 in right eye but have a faint corneal scar on my left eye am i eligible for ips?

  124. I have a question that I have 6/9 with glasses for both eyes do I come under pwd or normal

  125. I have Keratoconus disease (a corona disorder) but my vision is good by wearing hard lenses. Will it effect IAS medical check?

  126. If the candidate is having choroidal coloboma of both the eyes, is she applicable for IAS/IPS? Or
    Is it comes under handicap criteria? Plz reply.

  127. Sir my eye sight without glases in right eye is 6/24 and in left it is 6/36.with glasses it is not affecting too much but somehow good.with eyeglasses it adds clarity in my vision.and i have no any volour blindness etc. And i have disabilti certificate .can i got any job in upsc in non technical services if i got selected...plx sir reply .i am in great tension.

  128. Sir my eye sight without glases in right eye is 6/24 and in left it is 6/36.with glasses it is not affecting too much but somehow good.with eyeglasses it adds clarity in my vision.and i have no any volour blindness etc. And i have disabilti certificate .can i got any job in upsc in non technical services if i got selected...plx sir reply .i am in great tension.

  129. I have a doubt sir also the upsc is making us visually impraed candidate applicable for exam.. but why jobs are not given if many students can work

  130. Sir my eye sight without glases in right eye is 6/24 and in left it is 6/36.with glasses it is not affecting too much but somehow good.with eyeglasses it adds clarity in my vision.and i have no any volour blindness etc. And i have disabilti certificate .can i got any job in upsc in non technical services if i got selected...plx sir reply .i am in great disability is 50 percent.


  131. Amazing write-up! Thanks for sharing your experience about Lasik Eye Surgery.

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